Thursday, March 29, 2012

My JoJo Bear.

Most of the excitement around here lately has been centered around Teddi. Here is a post about my JoJo. She is the complete Opposite of Teddi. She is very shy, reserved, quiet, sneaky, She is also a Practical Joker, with tons of funny quirks and personality traits that are so amazing. She 100%  brightens any day. It is so hard to believe that I will be planning her 3rd birthday in a month. Some days I feel like she is turning 4 and then others I feel like she is still my little baby.  One of my Fav quirks so to speak that she has is she HATES to be called Princess. If you call her a princess she will ball her hands into fists tilt her head down and in a growly voice tell you " I am NOT a Princessesa!!!!" She adds the A at the end, I think for dramatical purposes :p My mom believes that we all have had previous lives. She thinks that Josie must have been a high woman of power in a previous life and to her the term princess is an insult to what she is capable of. She says how else do you explain a little girl who Hates the word "princess" with such passion?! It does make sense in a weird She is totally a Mama's girl. Although she has Dad wrapped her tiny little finger. She is also afraid of the dark. She has to go to sleep with the light on, we shut it off when we go to bed, 99% of the time when I wake up her light is back on from her waking up in the middle of the night. Sometimes if she doesnt want to get out of bed to turn the light back on she will cry for me to come and turn it on. She has been afraid of the dark basically since she was born. We had to have night lights in her room. But as she got older those stopped "cutting" it and now the overhead light needs to be on. I love her shyness and reservedness and little things about her that are just part of who she is. Every kid is different in my case my girls are as different as Night and Day. I had one friend one time when commenting about her Shyness say "make me wonder what happened to her" LOL nothing happened to her, she is the way she is and she is perfect. I never have to worry about her going off with a stranger LOL, where as Teddi introduces herself to every person she meets whether on a sidewalk or in a store. Josie just sticks closer to me or dad when people are around. I have my Princess Teddi and I have my TomBoy Josie. I love my Midgets with everything I have.

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