Thursday, November 29, 2012


I have been a member of SheSpeaks for quite some time now! If you are not a member of this amazing forum you should be! You get to try amazing new products, ask people for advice, or give advice. I quite enjoy it :D Recently they allowed me to join the Blogger Community, I get to try amazing new products, write a blog, and link it to their site :D Super cool if you ask me! Shespeaks sent me a couple HUGE Bottle of Torani Syrups, I received Torani Sugar Free Salted Caramel & Torani Gingerbread syrups! YUMMY! I wasnt sure I would like to the salted caramel, but to my surprise it was delicious! I am drinking it in my coffee as I write this. The Gingerbread one is equally amazing (a teensy bit better than the caramel) Not only have I been using it in my coffee, I have also baked with it! If you know me, you know my secret ingredient to my home made frosting......Coffee Creamer! It flavors it so much richer than extract. I made some delicious cupcakes using the Torani Syrups. Here is the recipe I used....I will be making them again to get another picture, my blonde self accidentally cleared out my camera card before i put them on the comp. I guess that is what happens when you are super tired....OOPS!

Frosting recipe (Best things first!)
1 cup softened butter (Unsalted is best, but you can use what you have)
1, 2 pound bag of powedered sugar
1/4 cup Torani syrup of your choice (I used the salted caramel)
water as needed to get desired consistancy

Using a stand mixer or a handheld mixer beat the butter until there are no chunks, add some sugar and 1/2 the torani syrup, slowly add in more sugar and the rest of the syrup, adding water as needed. Alternate between adding sugar and water until all of the sugar is gone and you have an amazingly smooth frosting. Set aside.

Cake Recipe (you can make 2, 8 inch rounds or 24 cupcakes with this recipe)
Vanilla Butter Cake with Torani Syrup

2 1/2 cups cake flour (You can use all purpose too, you will just have a slightly denser cake)
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs
3 egg yolks
1 1/4 milk
1/4 cup torani syrup of your choice I used gingerbread (With the caramel frosting it is to die for!)
2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter sliced.

Preheat the oven to 350. Butter and flour your cake pans if you are making a cake.
In a bowl whisk together the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder.
in a second bowl whisk together the eggs, egg yolks, 1/2 cup milk, Torani syrup and the vanilla.
add the remaining milk and the butter to the dry ingredients, using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment mix for about 2 minutes. or until well combined. add one-fourth of the egg mixture. Work until smooth. then work in half of the remaining egg mixture combine well and add in the rest.
Transfer the batter to teh prepared cake pans (or cupcake wrappers) smooth the tops with a spatula. bake about 25 minutes, checking for doneness around 20 minutes. May take up to 35 minutes. Let cool on rack, frost when completely cool to touch.

Frost with your already prepared Frosting!!!!! :D ENJOY!!!!

For more information on Torani Syrups, please visit their website at: WWW.TORANI.COM

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks & Torani and the above opinion is strictly my own.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Roller Coasters.

Life is a Roller Coaster. Full of ups and downs, some tiny hills some huge mountains where the drop is straight down if you are like me you just raise your hands at the straight down parts because you know you are buckled in and will be just coasting or slowly climbing another hill in a few seconds. Unfortunately life's mountains are not always passed within seconds, but everything will always be Ok at some point. I feel like the last few weeks have been this insane roller coaster that is skipping the coasting moments and just doing the hills. Hill after Hill after Hill.

As some of you know, I lost a friend a couple weeks ago. Not even sure at the moment that we were "friends" we got into a huge fight about 2 months ago and had not made it past it yet, although he had talked to others about feeling bad and sad that he felt he had lost me. He was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and sadly did not survive it. I have known a few people with cancer but they all survived it, I thought he would to. As scary as the word "cancer" is, I did not know until recently just how scary a word it truly was. I also had never lost someone I cared about before. In 28 years I have avoided losing friends so I had no idea what it felt like to have someone you care about pass away. I know now, It hurts like Hell. Especially when it is someone which whom I had a fight with who passed away not knowing how much he meant to me. Our relationship was like a roller coaster in and of itself. That roller coaster is now out business. Like my mother I believe with all my heart when someone passes away that you love that they always watch over you, so I know he is here somewhere checking in on me. 

Our dog Daisy had also been going down hill. Nate even cried at work about it while we were emailing back and forth and figuring out what day would work to get her into the vet for some testing. She had stopped eating, wouldnt drink, just laid in a tight ball on the couch and slept with teddi when the lights went out. We brought her in on Saturday. Both of us nervous as hell. They checked her out, weighed her, did the full blood panel. she couldnt be more perfect health wise!!! They gave us some antibiotics for her to treat Lymes desease just incase. If she is showing improvements by tomorrow we will call the vet to get the rest of the 30 days supply. They gave us 7 days since we were unsure if it is lymes and since we thought it was something more serious we wanted the full blood panel workup. After hearing that she was perfectly Ok and is either suffering from Lymes or is depressed from her false pregnancy we heaved HUGE sighs of relief. I even caught Nate giving her extra attention later that day, Lol he denied it but I saw with my own eyes :p  Maybe sometimes it takes almost losing someone/something to realize how much you love it and can stop taking it for granted. 

We also dealt with some car probs that day and the night before, we got it all fixed and everything is good. But I did get slightly upset, I never ask for help i had to call people to ask for help that night and not one person responded to me. I feel like I do alot for people and try to always be there, when I finally need that help it hurts like hell to not get it in return. 

Sunday we went to church.....our 3rd week in a row!! GO US!!! lol :D  We got home and got some things done and i was sitting outside having an icky and my Bella came and jumped on my lap and started purring, as I was petting her I felt something hard on her neck. I thought it was a tick or something so I put down my icky and proceeded to check her out and head inside to get tweezers, Nope not a tick. She was attacked by an animal and has a hole in her neck. We sedated her with a teeny tiny drop of a sleeping pill and we were able to clean her up about an hour later. I could fit a dime in her neck.....real live piggy bank LOL JK Sometimes you just gotta laugh! We called the vet, crappy thing about sundays vets are not open so the nearest one we could find was an ER vet in Blaine. So we called them and asked what to do, since the wound had been there for a few days, we didnt need to get her into them right that second, we cleaned it up, flushed it, treated it, fed her, kept her inside. Called our vet today & emailed them a photo, We need to keep doing what we are doing, stitches are not the best idea, since we need to keep flushing it and cleaning it. if it doesnt rescab within a few days then we need to take her in because it would be a sign it is not healing. So please if you are the praying type, please say a lil prayer for our baby bella, Nate and I have had her almost 6 years and she is such a great sweet cat.

I am hoping this coming week will be the part where the coaster starts to coast and slow down, Not sure how much more my brain, emotions, and neck can take.  Luckly Nate's family is coming into town this coming weekend and they are very comforting to me, so I know the week will end well.

Sorry this isnt the happy go lucky Soozy we all know and love, but at the moment I dont have anything else to write about. We are all entitled to pity parties every now and then....right!? :p  I will be trying a new bread recipe today, if that turns out I will post pics and a recipe. :D Pinky Swear!


Sunday, April 1, 2012

HomeMade Laundry Detergent.

I finally did it! I made home made laundry detergent. I found a recipe for it over a year ago and was going to make it, then decided not to. It sounded like a lot of work and I needed a large bucket that I didnt have and space to keep the bucket that I also didnt really have. A few of my friends were talking on facebook about the soap that they made so I decided to dig out my recipe and give it a shot. It is SOOOOOOOO Easy to make and so cheap to make and it makes TON! So here is the recipe I used (I dont remember where I got it, Im sorry)

1/3 bar of Fels Naptha (or other bar laundry soap) I got this at Walmart for under a $1
1/2 Cup Washing Soda This was like $3 also at Walmart. You want Washing Soda Not Baking Soda. Arm and Hammer makes both :)
1/2 Cup Borax I got this at the local Whole Foods store for a couple dollars, I bought about 2 pounds so I dont have to go back next time I make this.

Grate the soap into a saucepan add 6 cups of water. Heat until the soap dissolves. Add the powders, stir until dissolved. Remove from heat. Pour 4 cups hot tap water into bucket. Add the Soap mixture and stir. add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of additional tap water. Stir and let sit for 24 hours. It will Gel and is ready to use! You can add essential oils if you want it to have a particular smell. I actually like the smell of this as is. It is a very clean fresh scent!
Use 1/2 cup per load.

I used this tonight for the first time and I am actually quite amazed at how well it worked and how great my clothes smell. I am very glad I gave this a shot and It will save me oodles of Moola!!! :D XoXo If you try this let me know what you think!!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Meat Loaf Cupcakes.

Yummy! I got the idea from a friend of mine who got the idea from Pinterest. I am not a big meatloaf lover but I did pick up a packet of McCormick Meatloaf seasonings a few weeks back. So I figured I would make it. Everyone loved it, the kids had multiple servings and loved that they were in the cupcake wrappers (which are reusable!) and that they got to pick what color they wanted. Also didnt hurt that they cooked in about 20 minutes and I served with a salad so it was a very simple and delicious dinner.

McCormick Meatloaf seasoning packet
2 pounds ground beef (or you can use turkey)
2 eggs; lightly beaten
1/2  cup milk
1/4 dry bread crumbs
1/2 cup ketchup, tomato soup

Preheat oven according to package directions 375, I did 350
Combine all ingredients in a bowl until well incorporated. Seperate into muffin pan, cupcake wrappers, whatever you wish. I also have a mini heart cake pan that i have used previously. Bake for about 20 minutes or until cooked through.  Eat and enjoy. :D

Note. I cut the recipe in half and used 1/2 the packet. I knew my family wouldnt eat 2 pounds of meatloaf so I made one pound and there were no leftovers. I still have enough seasoning to make another meal out of it in the near future. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My JoJo Bear.

Most of the excitement around here lately has been centered around Teddi. Here is a post about my JoJo. She is the complete Opposite of Teddi. She is very shy, reserved, quiet, sneaky, She is also a Practical Joker, with tons of funny quirks and personality traits that are so amazing. She 100%  brightens any day. It is so hard to believe that I will be planning her 3rd birthday in a month. Some days I feel like she is turning 4 and then others I feel like she is still my little baby.  One of my Fav quirks so to speak that she has is she HATES to be called Princess. If you call her a princess she will ball her hands into fists tilt her head down and in a growly voice tell you " I am NOT a Princessesa!!!!" She adds the A at the end, I think for dramatical purposes :p My mom believes that we all have had previous lives. She thinks that Josie must have been a high woman of power in a previous life and to her the term princess is an insult to what she is capable of. She says how else do you explain a little girl who Hates the word "princess" with such passion?! It does make sense in a weird She is totally a Mama's girl. Although she has Dad wrapped her tiny little finger. She is also afraid of the dark. She has to go to sleep with the light on, we shut it off when we go to bed, 99% of the time when I wake up her light is back on from her waking up in the middle of the night. Sometimes if she doesnt want to get out of bed to turn the light back on she will cry for me to come and turn it on. She has been afraid of the dark basically since she was born. We had to have night lights in her room. But as she got older those stopped "cutting" it and now the overhead light needs to be on. I love her shyness and reservedness and little things about her that are just part of who she is. Every kid is different in my case my girls are as different as Night and Day. I had one friend one time when commenting about her Shyness say "make me wonder what happened to her" LOL nothing happened to her, she is the way she is and she is perfect. I never have to worry about her going off with a stranger LOL, where as Teddi introduces herself to every person she meets whether on a sidewalk or in a store. Josie just sticks closer to me or dad when people are around. I have my Princess Teddi and I have my TomBoy Josie. I love my Midgets with everything I have.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Deliciously Simple Pork

This is the easiest way to cook pork chops, you can use bone in or out and they are oh soooo good and makes the house smell like apple pie! Yummy!!!!!!!!!!

 pork chops
4 medium apples
4 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt

Lay the pork chops in a crock pot (cook on low 6 hours) or in a casserole dish (cook at 300 for about 2 hours) in a single layer, cover with sliced apples, mix all the seasonings together and sprinkle on top of apples. Layer more pork chops, cover with apples, sprinkle with seasoning. Do this as many times as needed. Cover, cook and enjoy!!!!!!! :D

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brown Sugar Wheat Sugar Cookies.

These are my new absolute favorite cookie. The texture alone is wonderful. They are so flaky and delicious with a wonderful glaze to top them off with. The photo does NOT do them justice please make them and try them for yourself. Here is the oh so easy recipe!!!

1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/4 cup vegi shortening (not Oil)
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 egg white
1 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract (optional)
1/4 teaspoon orange rind (optional)

Cream the sugars and shortening together. add the extracts and orange, add the dry ingredients and egg white.  The cookie dough is going to be pretty "runny" not like normal cookie dough. Refridgerate for 4 hours.

preheat oven to 325. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. (you can also grease the pan but I find that parchment paper makes for much better cookies) Form into balls or use a spoon and lightly dump onto pan. bake until brown About 20 minutes give or take a few depending on your oven.

2 cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Add all ingredients and whisk together, add the water last and keep an eye on the consistancy. you want it kind of thick.

Spoon the glaze onto warm cookies and let it run where it will. it will harden as the cookies cool.

Eat and enjoy! If you make these please let me know what you think. I LOVE them! :D

Tooth Fairy!

As if turning 5 was not a big enough deal for this Mama, she went and lost her tooth a week later! Her other bottom front tooth is loose too and will be falling out within a few weeks. My beautiful little toothless wonder :D The tooth fairy came and visited her which of course made her whole year! Nate went to the bank and asked the teller "What is the going rate for the tooth fairy these days?" She asked if the child had been good, of course Nate said Yes! He traded a $5 bill for some beautiful Gold coins (the kind tooth fairies give out in the movies and commercials with their big bag of coins, it is much more believable that way) Then we debated on how much her tooth was worth. I initially threw out that $2 was good, we ended giving her the whole $5 worth of coins. We decided since she will lose about 16 teeth (we dont really know how many kids lose and have not "Googled" it yet) That over the next few years we can handle $5 a tooth, what a lucky little midget! I got a dollar and Nate got a Quarter when we were kids. We also told Teddi that when you lose a tooth you have to put a note on your door so that the tooth fairy knows to stop. It was Nate's idea because that way when she gets older and loses a tooth and decides not to tell us we will see the note and know that the tooth fairy has some work to do that night.  We woke up the next morning to Teddi Dancing and screaming in joy that the tooth fairy actually came! It was sooooooo cute! She called the whole family the day she lost her tooth and told everyone what a big girl she was. She is growing up too fast in case anyone is curious how I feel about this LOL. I am so proud of my big girl and I love her gape toothed grin. Melts my heart.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Baby is 5!

WOW I can not believe my little Teddi Bear is 5 years old. I cried when she turned 1. 2, 3, & 4 were no problem but 5, FIVE holy buckets this one is a biggy (for me) We did her family birthday dinner and presents on her real birthday. In my family we always got 1 big present and then smaller presents. Teddi's big gift was the Leapfrog Leap Pad. She LOVES it. When she opened it she got all super duper excited couldnt believe she was getting one, then straight face and calm looks at us and asks "what is it?" We were laughing so hard! She plays with it all the time. :o) She has even taught her younger sister how to use it. I can hardly believe how well Teddi is sharing her gift. The minute Josie wants to play with it Teddi says "ok but then it is my turn" Is this a sign that the 5s are better than the 4s?? The 4s are rough, only someone with a 4 year old knows what I am talking about. My friend Sara put it perfectly that it is all the emotions that they are learning and experiencing and like Teenagers they just can not handle them. It is like they have a million split personalities some with bipolar disorder and some of those personalities you would swear like to drink! LOL JK :P  The next day we did her friends birthday Party! It was so much fun! We decided to do a bonfire so that the kiddos could roast their own hotdogs and marshmallows, we had TONS of Balls everywhere, bubbles, chalk, and a big yard for them to run in. The theme was Monster High, I had a large wall poster that we put up on the garage, hanging thingies that we hung outside, and I made homemade cupcakes and decorated them to look like the monster high skull with the pink bow.

I started running out of time on the skulls and had to rush them a little bit, next time I will give myself more time, but I think they turned out pretty good. The kids at least were quite impressed! Teddi got almost all the Lala Loopsies that were on her list and some new barbies that went with her Barbie Movies (they make the cutest movies!!!) She was on cloud nine and had such an amazing time.  I did learn why people hire someone to take photos at parties, I was so busy hosting and running around everywhere that I only got pictures of her opening presents. Those pics did not turn out to well because Teddi kept getting mad at the wind blowing over her presents so she has a scowl in most of the photos LOL. Next time I am designating a photographer or paying someone.  Not only did Teddi get to see people near and dear to her heart, but I got to see people that I do not know what I would do without! I am a million percent sure I have the most amazing friends. Having them here to support me so to speak and to celebrate my daughter's birthday meant so much to me. Kids birthdays are not always the most exciting thing in the world but to know that I have people in my life who care enough to come spend the day with me well it meant the world to me. A couple of my friends even made me tear up! I am such a baby! When I had kids one of my biggest fears was that I would lose friends because I was no longer able to be the girl they called on to go and party, luckly for me, my friends and I have made it work. I found this quote that sums it all up so perfectly! "Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honouring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities." James L Fredericks. My bestie Chelsea and I were talking one of the last times we were together and part of why we have never arugued and are able to just be there for eachother and have fun where ever we are is because she could never do/want to do what i do and I could never do nor do i want to do what she does.  It is a recipe for Perfection!  I think sometimes everyone needs a reminder of the people in their lives that are there for them & Love them and this past weekend was def a reminder for me.
My Little Teddi also had another birthday surprise for me that she woke me up for on Sunday. She has TWO LOOSE TEETH!!!!!!! Are you kidding me! Talk about mommy's baby is growing up too fast heartbreak. Nate picked up some $1 coins for when it falls out, which we are sure will be super soon since we can see the adult tooth has already broken through the gum line behind the loose tooth. I thought kids did this closer to 6 years old not 2 days after their 5th birthday! I remember when she was just a little midget curled up in my arms while I fed her. Thinking Wow she is mine. Promising her to always love her and care for her and be the best mom I can be. She draws pictures of her family with hearts & rainbows all over the place and tells us stories, puts on shows with sweet songs and dances, she is a happy child. I couldnt have asked for more. I couldnt be happier with her. Even her sarcasm makes me proud. My Mom and I spoke when I was pregnant with her that we wanted her to be part of our family (I looked into adoption) and be sarcastic like us. She fits in perfectly!!!
Happy 5th Birthday to my Beautiful Theodora XoXo

Monday, March 12, 2012

Home Made Vanilla Extract!

YUMMY!!!!!!!! I recently found out you can make home made vanilla extract, I bake ALOT and go through insane amounts of Vanilla so of course I had to try this making it home made thing. it is so simple a monkey could do it. All you need is 2oz glass bottles with lids, whole vanilla beans, & Vodka. If you have ever purchased Vanilla Beans you know they are expensive if you buy them at the grocery store (2 beans is around $15) I looked online and found tons of awesome deals on Amazon. I purchased 16 whole Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla beans for a fraction of the cost if I had purchased them 2 at a time at the store. I also found a great deal on 12 pack of glass bottles with lids. 

Slice your beans down the middle, cut the bean length wise in 1/2 so it fits in the bottle.
Use a Funnel to pour the Vodka into the bottle. Seal with the lid and let sit in a cabinet for 2 months. Voila ready to use!  When you use some out of the bottle just replace what you used with more Vodka, your bottle should last roughly a year maybe longer depending on how much you use and refill, you will know when the taste has weakened.

I also put on of my beans in a jar of Sugar for Vanilla Sugar. This only takes about 48 hours for the sugar to become flavored. I also stuck a sliced bean in a jar of coffee. Not sure how it will turn out but what the heck worst case I keep using creamer LOL!

If you try this I would love to know how it turns out! You can buy labels and write down the date so you know when it was made and when it will be ready. I am going to go buy some labels tomorrow. These bottles will also make super cute gifts. I know my Mom is super excited!

Any bets on if I can actually wait the two month to try it or if I use it early? Patience is not my strong suit! :p 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Fav Breakfast recipe.

This is kind of like a popover or as my midgets call is an Oven Pancake. It is sooooooooo easy and so good. You can add anything you want to it, seasonings, fruit, sugar, butter, the list could go on and on.
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons Butter or cooking spray
Yup that is all there is to it! I personally Love to add Vanilla, sugar, & Cinnamon. You can add any extract you want. Use brown sugar instead of granulated for a caramel taste to it. Anything!
If you are using butter place the butter in the pan when you preheat the oven and let it melt while the oven heats. If you are using the cooking spray just spray the pan.
Preheat oven to 425. whisk together all ingredients until smooth (dont over mix)  pour into an 8 inch round pan or an 8 inch square pan. I have found that metal pans work better but if dont have one you can use ceramic but it may take longer to bake.
Place in oven, set timer for 22 minutes DO NOT OPEN OVEN WHILE IT IS COOKING!!!!! It will rise up all nice and beautiful. It will deflate within a minute or two of being out of the oven. Cut it up and enjoy with warm maple syrup or jam. :D

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Donut Loaf

Donut Loaf! Perfect breakfast or just a random treat :D
2 cups warm water
2/3 cups sugar plus two tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons active dry yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 cup vegi oil
6 cups bread flour
1/2 cup butter Melted
1/2 tablespoon cinnamon

In a large bowl, dissolve the sugar in warm water, and then stir in yeast. Allow to proof until yeast resembles a creamy foam.               
Mix salt and oil into the yeast. Mix in flour one cup at a time. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth. Place in a well oiled bowl, and turn dough to coat. Cover with a damp cloth. Allow to rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.               
Punch dough down. Knead for a few minutes, and divide in half. Shape into loaves, and place into two well oiled 9x5 inch loaf pans. Allow to rise for 30 minutes, or until dough has risen 1 inch above pans. Brush melted butter over loaves and sprinkle with two tablespoons of sugar and also cinnamon.
Bake at 350 degrees 30 minutes.

2 cups powdered sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla (or any flavoring, I really like Maple)
1/3 cup milk

Whisk together and pour over warm loaves. You can also melt chocolate and pour over or decorate with sprinkles.

Home made bread.

Making home made bread is very very simple. Here is the Basic recipe I use, I add things to it depending on what I want the bread for. The recipe is from the cookbook that came with my Kitchenaid. There are tons of bread recipes available in any cookbook but this one is Fool Proof and quick to make, you do not need to proof the yeast in this recipe.

6 to 7 Cups all purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
3 1/2 teaspoons salt
3 packages active dry yeast
1/4 cup softened butter
2 cups very warm water 120-130 degrees

Place 5 1/2 cups flour, sugar, salt, yeast and butter in mixing bowl. Attach dough hook and bowl to mixer. (if you do not have a kitchenaid and/or dough hook use a whick or wooden spoon to get the ingredients meshed together) turn to speed 2 for about 20 seconds. Gradually add the warm water and mix about 1 1/2 minutes longer.
Continuing on speed 2, add remaining flour 1/2 cup at a time. and mix unil dough clings to sides of bowl. (I use all 7 cups of flour and a little over 2 cups of water. I like my dough really moist but still a solid mass. your dough is ready to go when it feels almost like playdough. Stays in a ball and is moist but not dry. If you do not have a kitchenaid and are doing this by hand, knead the dough for about 10 minutes, add enough water to make it a mass of all of the ingredients then dip your hands in the water to moisten the dough and continue kneading it.) Allow the dough to rest in the bowl for 20 minutes cover with a towel or plastic wrap. (it will rise during this 20 minutes)
divide dough into 2 halves and shape into loaf and place in greased loaf pan cover with plastic wrap or a towel and allow to rise at room temp for 1-2 hours or in the fridge over night. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes or until you can knock on it and it sounds hollow.

~To make Cinnamon sugar bread roll out into a rectangle like shape (long but not wider then your bread pan) Sprinkle Cinnamon and Sugar and roll up like a Jelly roll. (you can also add raisins if you want!) spray your loaf pan and place the bread roll in it. spray the bread with the nonstick spray (if you are using baking spray) Otherwise melt some butter and brush it on top. Sprinkle the top of the loaf with more cinnamon and Sugar.   Allow to rise at room temp for about 45 minutes or in the fridge for a few hours or overnight. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until you knock on it and it sounds hollow.
**Note**  Yeast feeds off of Sugar so this bread will rise very fast so keep an eye on it to decide when it is ready to bake.

Easy dinner idea with Home Made Bread!
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato soup!
Slice your homemade bread into slices (you can do this when it is still warm if you do not want to wait for it to cool, I rarely wait) Spread with butter and add cheese and grill to perfection. Your slices will not come our perfect, do not worry about that. I personally like the rustic taste and look to making these with fresh out of the oven home made bread. They are the perfect mix of Crunchy, melt in your mouth goodness :D

**Note** you can also add Salt and Pepper to your loaf of bread before baking, sprinkle a tad bit of sugar with the salt just to keep the yeast alive and feeding the salt will dehydrate the yeast so to speak so you want sugar for the yeast to eat. You can add it straight into the dough or sprinkle the top with Salt and Pepper before baking. Spray some nonstick baking spray so that the Salt and Pepper have something to adhere to.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Revamping leftover Creamed Chicken.

I had leftovers from the Cream Chicken that I needed to revamp for a "new" dinner. Its Ok if we do straight leftovers for lunch, but My kids hate leftovers for dinner. So I had to make it a new meal!  Checked my pantry and found a few things that I thought would do the trick and knock on wood would also taste good. It turned our Delicious! **pat on back** :p   
~Recipe~ (so to speak)
Creamed chicken leftovers
Bow tie Pasta
can of tomato soup (undiluted)
Parmesan cheese

Heat oven to 350.
boil water for the pasta cook until about 2 minutes away from being "done" strain the pasta and place back in empty pot.  Add in the creamed chicken, tomato, tomato soup and stir until it is all beautifully mixed together. Pour into a casserole dish, sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese (you can also stir parmesan cheese into the whole thing or any cheese you like and have on hand) and bake until desired browness, doneness.  I didnt know what time my lover was getting home, so it stayed in the oven for over an hour and was still perfect (I love the noodles on the top that get crunchy from the baking, so good!) Eat and Enjoy!

**I also had a couple pork chops in my fridge that I had made with an Apple/sugar mixture. I cut up the pork chops and boiled them with the pasta to get the glaze to come off as much as possible and I added that to my casserole too. if you have other meats or vegis in your fridge that also need to get used, Add them!**

Friday, February 24, 2012

Creamed Chicken.

So last night I tried a new recipe that I had in a Cooking Light Cookbook it was DELICIOUS! And sooooooo easy to make. I had to find a recipe that called for Heavy Whipping Cream since I had a 1/2 carton that needed to get used ASAP.  I do not have a picture of it but wanted to share the recipe :D

~Creamed Chicken~
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 cups milk  **you can do all heavy cream, all milk, or heavy cream with water the more cream/milk the richer/creamier the mixture will be**
1 teaspoon butter (I misread and actually used a tablespoon and it was great)
1 pound cut up chicken breast (cooked)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper (and any other seasoning you like to use)
1 cup frozen (thawed) or canned peas

Lightly spoon flour in a dry measuring cup and level with a knife. Combine flour and 1/2 cream in a large saucepan over medium heat stir with a whisk. Cook for 4 minutes or until thick. (it will thicken as it sits after being removed from heat too so do not be surprised by this) Stir in peas, butter, and chicken cook two minutes remove from heat stir in lemon juice. Voila delicious easy chicken dinner!

I served it with roasted potatos it was great.
Dice potatoes toss in olive oil and seasoning bake at 425 for about 30 minutes or until tender :D

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh so easy Home Made waffles!

Every so often I run out of Pancake/waffle mix. (yes I like shortcuts now and then!) I wanted to make waffles but had to find a recipe that used ingredients I had on hand. I took a couple recipes I had and kind of "combined" them to make my own recipe using what was in my kitchen. They turned out DELICIOUS! The midgets scarfed them down and wanted more!

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
4 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup warm milk (heat on stove for a minute, but you do not want it hot because then it will cook the eggs)
1/2 cup melted butter
3 teaspoons vanilla

Allow waffle iron to heat while preparing the Waffle mixture.
Combine all dry ingredients until mixed well. Add wet ingredients to the dry mixture and mix on medium until well combined (but still a little lumpy) Cook & Enjoy!!!!!
Want to know a great trick to make this easier and faster? Use a Blender!!! They have cute little spouts on them that make them easier to pour and you only dirty one dish! I used a blender and it was PERFECT! :D

Make extra waffles and put them in Freezer bags, freeze and Voila you have breakfast any given day, they are so much better then the frozen store bought waffles and reheat just as nicely either in the toaster or the microwave :D

Oatmeal Muffins!!!

These might just be the perfect way to wake up (well if you have Coffee with them!) They are so easy to make and so delicious. You can do what I did and make them at night, let them cool, and put them in Ziploc bags so they stay moist til morning. They are even more perfect if you have silicone cupcake "wrappers" which I have used. They are great just stick em' in the dishwasher when you are done and they can be used over and over and over again!

Streusel topping
1/3 cup oatmeal (quick or old fashioned but uncooked)
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
3 tablespoons butter (you can also use margarine if you prefer. Personally I like butter better for any baked "treat")

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 cup oatmeal (quick or old fashioned but uncooked)
1/2 granulated sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla

Heat oven to 400. line 12 muffin cups with paper or spray with nonstick spray (or silicone cupcake holders placed on a cookie sheet)
for streusal, combine oats, flour, and brown sugar in a small bowl. Mix well with two knives or a pastry blender (or like me you can just use your hands) until mixture is crumbly.
for muffins, combine flour, oats, granulated sugar, and baking powder in large bowl mix well. Combine milk, oil, egg, and Vanilla in small bowl. Mix Well. Add to dry ingredients all at once. Stir just until dry ingredients are moistened (do not overmix or you will have tough muffins)  Fill muffin cups almost full. Sprinkle with Streusal lightly pat it down.
Bake 18-20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool muffins on wire rack. Serve them warm or seal em' up and enjoy them in the morning.  This recipe makes 12 muffins, can be doubled to make 24 :D They are soooooooooo Delicious.
 **Note** You can add cinnamon to the streusal, vanilla or anything else you think will make it even more delicious!

Photos of my family.


Welcome to my Blog! Not sure if I will ever share with anyone the fact that this blog exists but I am going to have a go at it and start one anyways. I am a Mom of 2 Gorgeous Girls (yes of course they are Gorgeous I am 100% utterly Biased) I have a dog, a Man, a couple of cats and also quite a lot of fishies.  We recently moved into a Beautiful home in the "country" It is about an hour from the people I love most in this world. Not too bad of a drive but when you have kids everything is a loooonnnnggggg drive. I wish I could say "I wish we never moved" but the truth is I love our home, I love our private driveway, I love our huge yard I just love it and I KNOW We made the best decision for our family. Also have to mention my kitchen is like 3 times the size of the one I previously had (we were in an apartment) I LOVE to bake it is a stress reliever for me. Anyone who has kids knows the little midgets can cause stress LOL.  I love to make cupcakes, cookies, brownies, cakes you name it I will make it. Now I have room to make these goodies! It is wonderful. I am sure I will post photos of some of the treats I make. I promise If I post a pic I will post a recipe to go with it. I also cook quite a bit.  I love to try new recipes, change up old ones and occassionally just make one up.  With a family of 4 I try to keep meals moola friendly but tasty, healthy and fun to eat and make. When you are in charge of so many meals a day, week, month etc they have to be fun to make and eat! I will also post pictures of that and of course the recipes. I will also share some of my day to day stories, experiences, frustrations, stressers, wonderful moments and hard moments.  I think this will be fun. If you are reading this please be nice. I am not perfect, do not want to be perfect, never will be perfect.

In this house....we do second chances....we do grace....we do real....we do mistakes....we do I'm sorries....we do hugs....we do family....we do love.