Monday, September 24, 2012

Roller Coasters.

Life is a Roller Coaster. Full of ups and downs, some tiny hills some huge mountains where the drop is straight down if you are like me you just raise your hands at the straight down parts because you know you are buckled in and will be just coasting or slowly climbing another hill in a few seconds. Unfortunately life's mountains are not always passed within seconds, but everything will always be Ok at some point. I feel like the last few weeks have been this insane roller coaster that is skipping the coasting moments and just doing the hills. Hill after Hill after Hill.

As some of you know, I lost a friend a couple weeks ago. Not even sure at the moment that we were "friends" we got into a huge fight about 2 months ago and had not made it past it yet, although he had talked to others about feeling bad and sad that he felt he had lost me. He was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and sadly did not survive it. I have known a few people with cancer but they all survived it, I thought he would to. As scary as the word "cancer" is, I did not know until recently just how scary a word it truly was. I also had never lost someone I cared about before. In 28 years I have avoided losing friends so I had no idea what it felt like to have someone you care about pass away. I know now, It hurts like Hell. Especially when it is someone which whom I had a fight with who passed away not knowing how much he meant to me. Our relationship was like a roller coaster in and of itself. That roller coaster is now out business. Like my mother I believe with all my heart when someone passes away that you love that they always watch over you, so I know he is here somewhere checking in on me. 

Our dog Daisy had also been going down hill. Nate even cried at work about it while we were emailing back and forth and figuring out what day would work to get her into the vet for some testing. She had stopped eating, wouldnt drink, just laid in a tight ball on the couch and slept with teddi when the lights went out. We brought her in on Saturday. Both of us nervous as hell. They checked her out, weighed her, did the full blood panel. she couldnt be more perfect health wise!!! They gave us some antibiotics for her to treat Lymes desease just incase. If she is showing improvements by tomorrow we will call the vet to get the rest of the 30 days supply. They gave us 7 days since we were unsure if it is lymes and since we thought it was something more serious we wanted the full blood panel workup. After hearing that she was perfectly Ok and is either suffering from Lymes or is depressed from her false pregnancy we heaved HUGE sighs of relief. I even caught Nate giving her extra attention later that day, Lol he denied it but I saw with my own eyes :p  Maybe sometimes it takes almost losing someone/something to realize how much you love it and can stop taking it for granted. 

We also dealt with some car probs that day and the night before, we got it all fixed and everything is good. But I did get slightly upset, I never ask for help i had to call people to ask for help that night and not one person responded to me. I feel like I do alot for people and try to always be there, when I finally need that help it hurts like hell to not get it in return. 

Sunday we went to church.....our 3rd week in a row!! GO US!!! lol :D  We got home and got some things done and i was sitting outside having an icky and my Bella came and jumped on my lap and started purring, as I was petting her I felt something hard on her neck. I thought it was a tick or something so I put down my icky and proceeded to check her out and head inside to get tweezers, Nope not a tick. She was attacked by an animal and has a hole in her neck. We sedated her with a teeny tiny drop of a sleeping pill and we were able to clean her up about an hour later. I could fit a dime in her neck.....real live piggy bank LOL JK Sometimes you just gotta laugh! We called the vet, crappy thing about sundays vets are not open so the nearest one we could find was an ER vet in Blaine. So we called them and asked what to do, since the wound had been there for a few days, we didnt need to get her into them right that second, we cleaned it up, flushed it, treated it, fed her, kept her inside. Called our vet today & emailed them a photo, We need to keep doing what we are doing, stitches are not the best idea, since we need to keep flushing it and cleaning it. if it doesnt rescab within a few days then we need to take her in because it would be a sign it is not healing. So please if you are the praying type, please say a lil prayer for our baby bella, Nate and I have had her almost 6 years and she is such a great sweet cat.

I am hoping this coming week will be the part where the coaster starts to coast and slow down, Not sure how much more my brain, emotions, and neck can take.  Luckly Nate's family is coming into town this coming weekend and they are very comforting to me, so I know the week will end well.

Sorry this isnt the happy go lucky Soozy we all know and love, but at the moment I dont have anything else to write about. We are all entitled to pity parties every now and then....right!? :p  I will be trying a new bread recipe today, if that turns out I will post pics and a recipe. :D Pinky Swear!


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